amputee youtuber

Amputee becomes influencer to inspire people #shorts

Kaitlyn Dobrow: Quadruple Amputee YouTuber

I Paid To Have My Leg Amputated | This Morning

This felt weirdly personal… #Amputee #Shorts

1000 SUBSCRIBERS!!! THANK YOU FROM MY ENTIRE HEART!! #shorts #fyp #amputee #1000subs

My Prosthetic Leg Broke On My Hot Girl Walk 😳 #Prosthetic #Amputee #Falling #Shorts

Double Amputee Testing New Legs!!! - Part 2

Becoming a Bilateral Above Knee Amputee at 14 Months Old

AmputeeOT: Why Being an Amputee is AWESOME!

Below the knee amputee prosthetic leg is too big.

Teen Quadruple Amputee Applies Flawless Makeup | SHAKE MY BEAUTY

Below Knee Amputee Shares His iWALK Crutch Experience

Amputee YouTuber: First One Hundred Videos

JOURNEY OF MY LIFE😌 #emotional #inspirational #amputee #meningitis #prosthetic #amputeelife #disable

21-year-old model becomes double-amputee after severe illness

Amputee Tries Snowboarding!!! 🏂 *FAIL or Victory??*

Hemipelvectomy Amputee Running with Prosthetic Leg | Kristofer

AMPUTEE HOUSE TOUR!! 🏠 How I Manage at Home & My Modifications!

Smooth walk using ARTIFICIAL LEG 🥰..(Above knee) #amputado #amputee#endolite

AMPUTEE MOBILITY: Getting around the house as a new amputee

Standing Balance and Control for Amputees - Prosthetic Training: Episode 12

New Amputee / New Youtuber

never wuda made it without support ⚘️#survivingcancer #amputee

Scott's Comeback: Amputee Canoeist